Eat Right, All the Time

Stop dieting! People are messing up their health with crazy diets all the time. That's no way to get healthy and fit! They'll eat nothing but grapefruit and pickles for a month in order to lose a lot of weight. It works. It's unhealthy, but you can lose a ton of weight that way. Then you get it all back and more when the diets is over and you wind up in worse shape then when you started. A few months later another fad diet comes along and it's back on the not-so-merry go round

A healthy diet is the way you eat every day for your entire life. Losing weight is a benefit, not the main goal. The main goal is to get fit and healthy and stay that way. You can't do that by bouncing on and off some diet program. So forget about dieting and just start eating healthy for the rest of your longer and healthier life.



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