News and Information

It's a good idea to keep up with the latest news and information on health and fitness. Research is constantly being conducted to understand what effects our health, how it does so, how to avoid negative consequences, and what we can do to maintain health and fitness. New discoveries are being made all the time, and each discovery opens new door to better understanding and even more discoveries.

The internet is a treasure trove of information. Unfortunately, quite a bit of that is bad information disseminated by cranks and crackpots and those who've gotten ahold of bad information and don't know how to evalute its quality. Always check your information from any source against what is supported by peer-reviewed research and sources known to be credible.

There are many myths about soy, for instant. Some claim it is bad for you and rattle off a but of fiction in support of the claim. Concerned researched have addressed these claims again and again. The truth is, study after study has supported the beneficial effects of soy on health. But the myths continue.

One reason is that FUD—fear, uncertainty, and doubt—sells books and other merchandise, and gets viewers to your website or news station, which attracts advertisers. There are a lot of crackpots making big money selling incorrect and often harmful information and products. A good rule of thumb: trust the scientific community. Medical researchers know what they're doing. They're not in the pocket of Big Soy; these types of claims are always made by the cranks and swindlers.

Another concern is aluminum foil. Is it bad for you? Does it contribute to Alzheimer's? If it does, cooking with foil is the least of your worries. Aluminum is a very common element on this planet, and is present in the water, soil, and many of the foods we eat. It's the most abundant metal on Earth. The amount of aluminum you would get from cooking with aluminum foil is a very small fraction of the amount you ingest. 95% of the aluminum you ingest comes from food. Less than 1% of aluminum that enters your digestive system is absorbed by your body.

Keep up with the latest news, by all means, but make sure your sources are credible.



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